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浙江在线衢州频道 时间: 2013-08-07 15:56:16

  An Introduction for Quzhou No.2 High School


  Quzhou No. 2 High School was founded in l953. It is one of the l8 top-rated high schools in the Zhejiang province. It is a great honour for our school to have one of its top pupil accepted into Tsinghua university and Beijing University each year on recommendation from our school’s principal. The campus covers an area of about 50 acres. We have a playing field, 400m running track, swimming pool and gym.


  Our campus provides a warm welcome, and a friendly, dynamic atmosphere, where learning is fun and you’re sure to fit in and make lasting friendships. The school boasts many well-known teachers of excellence, including five special grade teacher, five professional senior teachers, seventeen distinguished teachers of Quzhou City, twelve excellent academic leaders of respective subjects of Quzhou City, and over thirty presidents and members of academic associations at both the province level and the city level. And some of them have been highly honored, like being elected the representative of 17th CPC Conference and winning awards such as the National May 1st Labor Medal, Teacher of Excellent Achievement of Zhejiang, the National Award for Excellence in Teaching and the National Top Educational Worker Award. The results of students’ College Entrance Examinations are consistently among the best in Zhejiang. In 2005, for example, XuYujing was ranked the top arts student in Zhejiang. Each year, more than l0 students are admitted into Tsinghua University, Peking University, top universities in Hong Kong and famous public universities in Singapore. In 2012, 13 of our students were admitted to Beijing and Tsinghua University; 678 pupils were admitted to other key Chinese universities, making us the school with the largest number of pupils attending key universities in Zhejiang.


  Our school is building a campus to promote Confucian values, International Understanding and environmental awareness. Lectures will be held weekly on campus by experts in different academic fields with the aim to of improving the worldview of our students.

  Teacher exchanges with Red Wing, Minnesota, USA and the British GAP Project are conducted every year. So far twenty teachers have taught in English-speaking countries. Students are given the chance to attend summer camps in the UK,USA, Canada, Australia and Japan each year.


  Highly recognized both within and beyond the province, No. 2 High School has won numerous prizes and awards in different fields, including physical education, school administration, library management, etc. Among the awards it has received recently are the Chinese Ministry of Education’s Prize for the Adoption of Modern Educational Technology; the National Top Moral Education Award; and the National Golden Prize for Construction of a Positive School Culture. It is honored as a base for the International Chinese Promotion Project and Zhejiang’s Training Center for Foreign Students; and has been a provincial model workplace for 20 successive years.

来源: 浙江在线衢州频道 作者: 编辑: 巫婧
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